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Instructions for Authors

The general instructions below apply to Journal of Management Science and Business Intelligence (JMSBI). You may find various helpful tools and information about publishing on JMSBI in the following instructions.


  • Manuscripts should be with at least 6 pages for regular research article.
  • Manuscripts less than 6 pages would be treated as short communication article.
  • Manuscripts prepared in MS-Word (doc,docx) formats should be submitted to our manuscript submission e-mail:
  • JMSBI manuscript formatting template (download)

Publication Processing Fee (PPF)

  • The Publication Processing Fee for JMSBI is USD 260.
  • The PPF excludes taxes and other potential fees such as bank transfer charges.
  • Online copies of published articles on JMSBI are available on JMSBI website for free.
  • Hard copies of JMSBI will be delivered upon request by author(s) with additional charge of USD 80 each (includes postage cost).
  • IBII Refund Policy
  • Pay PPF here:
Publication Processing Fee (PPF)

Reviewing Process

  • Each manuscript will first receive a screening review by the Advisory Editorial board for appropriateness.
  • Authors will receive acknowledgement of receipt of manuscripts
  • Authors are encouraged to recommend up to 4 reviewers with acknowledged expertise in the related research field(s).
  • If revisions are recommended by reviewers, author(s) will receive a noticed email with suggested changes and a timeline for re-submission of their revised manuscripts.
  • Under normal circumstances, author(s) will be notified with the final review results and the decision letter within 4 weeks .


  • Submission of a manuscript to JMSBI implies that the work has not been published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If it is accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language.
  • Author(s) will receive an email with a “Copyright Form” upon acceptance of manuscript and be asked to complete the form to return to JMSBI.
  • Open access author(s) have copyright of the articles, but will sign an exclusive license agreement to exclusive rights of their article to the publisher. IBII operates under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license.

Guidelines for Reviewers

Journal of Management Science and Business Intelligence is peer reviewed international journals by general screening review and at least 2 reviewers. If a manuscript’s importance within the field is unclear, a reviewer will request additional advice from a member of the Editorial Advisory Panel in deciding whether to review it. In addition, the journal editors will take the previous reviews into account when making their decisions, although in some cases the editors may choose to take advice from additional referees.



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